Organizations are becoming more and more aware of diversity as an opportunity: proactive diversity management is essential to a modern corporate strategy. This includes promoting a broad understanding for diversity and inclusion: More and more companies want to provide diversity trainings to their employees and managers. On top of that, organizations are legally required to ensure equal treatment and to prevent discrimination.
The Diversity Campus offers a platform for comprehensive and well-founded e-learnings, interwoven with experiential learning for the multi-layered aspects of social diversity.
The Diversity Campus supports organizations with effectively and extensively training and sensitizing their employees for the topics of diversity, inclusion and equal treatment. Organizations can thus fulfil their legal obligations, accept social responsibility and, above all, secure their economic success.
The Diversity Campus offers suitable trainings and combinations of individual e-learnings and cooperative live formats to companies of any sector and size. Our trainings and combinations thereof ensure achieving real engagement with diversity topics, encouraging personal reflection and contributing to overcoming resistances.
The people behind the Diversity Campus
The Experts of the Diversity Campus
In alphabetical order
Manuel Erkan Bräuhofer
Organizational and personnel developer, certified trainer, lecturer at the FHWien and the University of applied Sciences BFI Vienna, mastermind and organizer of the Austrian Days of Diversity (DIVÖRSITY)
Download Trainer profile (PDF)
Main Areas
- Diversity management
- Gender balance and gender mainstreaming
- Inclusive leadership and organizational behavior
- Ethno-marketing
- Inclusive employer branding
Anna Mertinz
Attorney and manager of the employment law and data protection team at KWR Rechtsanwälte, consultant of international clients, lecturer (among others: WIFI Wien, ARS, Linde Campus, WIFI Managementforum), lecturer at the University of applied Sciences BFI Vienna
Main Areas
- Employment law (individual and collective)
- Consulting organizations in all employment law matters
- Representation in court
- Data protection (especially in aspects of employment law)
- Reconciliation of family and work concerning the employment law perspective
Thomas Nigl
E-Learning Manager, Trainer in Adult Education, Coach, Education & Knowledge Manager
Main Areas
- Managing Diversity & Gender Mainstreaming
- Conflict Management & Bullying Prevention
- Team roles & team building
- E-Learning- & Content Management
Sarah Riedenbauer
Elementary pedagogue, project manager and writer
Main Areas
- Project management
- Content development
- Communications
- Sales support
Peter Rieder
Consultant and trainer, licensed auditor for the audit workandfamily as well as for the audit universityandfamily, inventor and developer of ZukunftVIELFALT® (futureDIVERSITY), certified professional speaker
Download Trainer profile (PDF)
Main Areas
- Diversity management
- Reconciliation of work and family / audit workandfamily
- Parental leave management / management of career breaks
- New forms of work / flexible working hours / home office
Ingrid Sturm
Trainer, consultant, organisational developer, coach, business educator, art therapist
Download Trainer profile (PDF)
Main areas
- Diversity management
- Generation management
- Knowledge management and succesion planning
- Leadership development
The partners of the Diversity Campus
KWR Karasek Wietrzyk Rechtsanwälte GmbH is one of the leading economic law firms in Austria. Through its worldwide network with top economic law firms, KWR offers cross-border counselling concerning national and international economic law.
Harald Karrer of Visuals for Business is a consultant, trainer and coach. As specialist on visualization, he swiftly analyzes complex matters and captures them in a visually appealing manner.
Christoph Letmaier is our single point of contact for all questions regarding elegant graphic presence. He guarantees professional, well-structured graphic and web designs as well as fast and precise results.